what is forensic audit ? with simple example

Example of a Forensic Audit

Example of a Forensic Audit


Let's say a company receives a tip alleging potential fraudulent activities related to its procurement process. The company suspects that certain employees might be involved in kickback schemes with vendors, resulting in overpayment for goods and services. To investigate this matter, the company engages a forensic audit firm to conduct a forensic audit.

Investigation Process

The forensic auditors would start by obtaining relevant financial records, such as purchase orders, invoices, payment records, and vendor contracts. They would also interview key personnel, including employees responsible for procurement and vendor management.

During the investigation, the forensic auditors would employ various forensic accounting techniques, such as data analysis, to identify any suspicious patterns or anomalies in the procurement data. They might look for signs of inflated prices, duplicate payments, unusual vendor relationships, or any transactions involving related parties.

Additionally, the forensic auditors would perform a detailed review of the vendor contracts and compare the terms and conditions with the actual goods or services received. They would also analyze bank records to trace the flow of funds and identify any unusual transactions or discrepancies.

Findings and Reporting

If the forensic auditors uncover evidence of fraudulent activities, such as kickbacks or overbilling, they would document their findings, including the individuals involved, the amounts and methods of fraud, and any related financial impact on the company.

Finally, the forensic audit report would present the findings and conclusions of the investigation, along with supporting evidence. It may also include recommendations on improving internal controls, enhancing procurement procedures, or pursuing legal action against the perpetrators.

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